Backblaze resources

This page is a collection of links to the Backblaze-related help pages on this and other websites

Ready to install it?

You can follow the steps on this page (the first set of numbered points, above: the text with all the screenshots) if you’d like to install it yourself.  If you prefer me to handle the installation and make sure that it’s running OK, you can call me on 020 3411 4445 and I will take care of it.

The installer says that it’ll work on a 14-day trial, but once the program actually installs, that will update to a 30-day trial.  You’ll get a couple of emails from Backblaze themselves after you install and they’ll prompt toy to log in and give some payment details so that you can convert from the free trial to the paid-for subscription.  The subscription is $5 per PC per month, or $50 per PC per year.  Especially with foreign currency transaction charges every time, it’s much cheaper to do it annually – after 20% VAT is added, you’ll be paying £40-45 per PC.